Mengapa Kita Mudah Lapar saat Hujan?

Mengapa Kita Mudah Lapar saat Hujan?
Ilustrasi lapar saat hujan. Credit: Freepik

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Have you ever felt suddenly hungry when it rains? Rainy or cold weather may make you hungry and want to eat more. There is no need to worry; this is a common occurrence that can be scientifically explained.


Why is it easy to get hungry when it rains?

You may have experienced sudden hunger while it is raining or when in a cold environment, such as the mountains. In both cases, you may notice that you become hungry more frequently or eat more. While this is not the case for everyone, it is a common condition that can be medically explained.

The body needs more energy

According to Eating Well, one of the reasons we get hungry when it rains is that the body requires more energy to stay warm in cold weather especially if you are in a cold environment and are shivering.

However, little valid research supports the link between ambient temperature and calorie requirements. Studies show that short-term exposure to cold temperatures can increase total energy expenditure, though the effect varies from person to person.

Read more: Why Listening To The Sound Of Rain Makes Us Sleepy?

Changes in hunger hormones

Hormonal changes are allegedly one of the reasons why we are easily hungry during cold weather, such as rain. According to Everyday Health, seasonal changes affect hormones associated with hunger and appetite, including leptin, ghrelin, and glucocorticoids.

A 2019 study published in Nutrition & Metabolism found that leptin, a hormone that causes satiety, is higher in hot and cold weather. However, there are still conflicting results. Another study found that changes in circadian rhythms in areas with cold winters due to less light exposure cause the leptin hormone to increase. In contrast, the ghrelin hormone decreases in winter. More research is needed to determine the relationship between seasons, temperature changes, and hormone levels.

Changes in the serotonin hormone

It gets darker outside when it rains, so you spend more time indoors. Reduced exposure to sunlight can lower levels of serotonin, the happy hormone. One of the effects of this is that you will tend to feel sad more easily or experience mood swings when it rains.

The body sends signals to combat this, causing it to crave carbohydrate-rich foods. This carbohydrate intake allows the body to use tryptophan, an amino acid that can be converted into serotonin, which improves your mood on rainy days.

Read more: Cold Allergy: Recognizing Symptoms And Treatment


Good food choices to eat in cold weather

It is normal to feel more hungry during the rainy or cold seasons. This could be due to increased energy needs or your body warming up after eating. Eating and digesting food can raise your body temperature, so it is natural for your body to send signals to eat more in cold weather.

The cold weather increases your appetite, making you crave various foods. However, experts recommend that you consume the following foods and drinks during rainy or cold weather:

  • Warm drinks

    Warm drinks such as tea or warm water with a squeeze of lemon can make you feel warm and full.

  • Vegetable soup

    Choose broth-based soups over cream-based soups and soups with a high concentration of green vegetables, nuts, or seeds.

  • Vitamin C-rich fruits

    During the rainy season, your immune system may become compromised. Eat vitamin C-rich fruits like oranges, mangoes, lemons, and kiwis to boost your immune system.

  • Salmon and tuna

    Salmon and tuna are high in vitamin D, which can help you feel better when you do not get enough sun due to changes in temperature or weather.

  • Cruciferous vegetables

    Broccoli, cauliflower, and cucumber are vegetables high in vitamin C, which helps to maintain immunity during rainy days.


If you need medical advice or consultation, you can either visit a doctor or use the consultation features available in the Ai Care application by downloading the Ai Care application from the App Store or Play Store.

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Writer : Ratih AI Care
Editor :
  • dr Hanifa Rahma
Last Updated : Senin, 18 Maret 2024 | 04:54